SEMCO’s Turn-Key Mobile Telemetry Systems are designed to receive, record and process current and emerging telemetry formats used at U.S. and International Flight Test Ranges. As an example of one such mobile telemetry system, SEMCO’s MTS5000 supports 4 downlinks in P, L, S, C and down-converted C-band (CIF) frequencies, and is designed to accommodate 2 operators, or be fully remote-controlled. Antenna Tracking is performed by an 8’ TCS Tri-Band antenna system with dual element feeds, with distribution of 8 RF down-links (4 LHCP & 4 RHCP provided by a SEMCO wide-band, 200-5250 MHz RF Multi-Coupler.
The MTS5000 supports all IRIG demodulation and Forward Error Correction formats, utilizing IRIG time-tagged Chapter 10 TM over IP (TMoIP) for transporting 4 demodulated TM data streams (Receiver Combiner Channel Outputs), which are processed and recorded by an installed Decom System. The MTS5000 also provides for recording and playback of both IF and RF that is received and processed by 4 of SEMCO’s Dual Channel Receiver Combiner Systems.
Pre-Mission set-up and testing is facilitated by an installed SEMCO Telemetry Simulator, which provides for system and BER loop testing of all 4 down-links, as well as Diversity Combiner dynamic performance testing.
SEMCO can provide a wide variety of complete mobile turn-key platforms built to perform to each end user’s specific requirements. Advanced features demanded by today’s telemetry end user include DQE/DQM for use with Best Source Selectors, Adaptive Equalization to mitigate RF Multi-Path, Space Time Coding (STC) to address the “two-antenna problem” and Low-Density Parity Check (LDPC), Viterbi and Turbo Forward Error Correction algorithms. Remote (network) software control is built into every system to meet the most challenging safety and performance issues related to positioning the mobile platform for best look angle.