The PHTS108 is a small, lightweight, hand-held telemetry signal simulator that is the ideal instrument for conducting quick pre-mission ground station checkout. The PHTS108’s calibrated RF output covers 1435.5 MHz to 2394.5 MHz and provides 0 dBm to -100 dBm outputs. Options include +20 dBm and +37 dBm RF power outputs and C-Band (4400-5250 MHz) RF Frequency outputs. The PHTS108 is modulated with an internal user-selectable modulator in all IRIG-specified modulation formats, including PCM/FM, NTSC and PAL Composite Video, PM, BPSK, QPSK, Tier I SOQPSK-TG, Tier II Multi-h CPM and FM/FM Sub-carrier (2). An optional AM antenna error signal feature is also available.

Two calibrated RF outputs are available with the Combiner dynamic test feature, providing the ability to test a combiner’s performance under user-selectable fade, fade rate and phase shift scenarios. The fader feature is also used to create an RF test signal with a sinusoidal AM component. This option is user-configurable for rates between 0-50 kHz and fade depths between 0-30 dB. With these two settings, the user can simulate the scan function of a given antenna/ACU system and the outputted RF signal can then be transmitted to the tracking receivers where proper AGC and AM output response can be determined.
The PHTS108 can accept external clock and data inputs and can also be externally modulated with pre-recorded binary files, including Telemetry Attributes Transfer Standard (TMATS) PCM formats per RCC 106-15 Chapter 9. The Binary File Storage and Playback feature provides the user with the ability to store and playback pre-recorded tapes.
FEC encoders include Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) and Viterbi as well as optional Turbo and Reed-Solomon.
Bit Error Rate tests are performed using the embedded Bit Sync, Frame Sync, BERT and PN Pattern Generator feature.
The external modulation feature allows for user-provided analog and digital signal and test patterns as well as binary file playback capability using pre-recorded mission data. The Preset feature provides the ability to name, save and load all settings. The PHTS108 also provides for data and test result logging and printout as a .csv file.
With its versatility, 12″ Touch Screen and remote (network) controls, battery operation and small, lightweight size, the PHTS108 has become the simulator of choice across both U.S. and International Flight Test Ranges.
Contact us – we will be pleased to provide you additional technical information on this extraordinarily reliable and popular hand-held portable Telemetry Simulator, as well as arrange a demonstration and evaluation at your facility.